
I think I am being bullied. What do I do?

15 February 2022
You wake up in the morning but don’t want to go to work. Even the thought of going to work makes you want to cry. Things weren’t always like this, but have got gradually worse over the last 6 months. You no longer feel comfortable around your boss. Your confidence is at an all time low and because of that you are making more mistakes. It’s a downward spiral and you can’t seem to break it. What do you do?

Why Engage a Coach?

16 January 2020
Michael answers some of the questions normally asked about engaging a coach

How to navigate the redundancy minefield

17 January 2020
​"It's not you, it's the economy" It is much less confrontational to dismiss an employee this way than embarking upon a long list of performance concerns or misdemeanours which have wound you up to the point of no return. That's why redundancy terminations are the preferred route of many employers. However, the door may have been closed by a recent case in the Employment Court which has put an interesting twist on the existing law.

What's the difference between coaching and lawyering?

17 January 2020
Michael explains the different techniques he uses when being a coach compared to when he is acting as a lawyer

What tools do you use as a coach?

30 March 2025
Michael answers questions about what tools he uses as a coach to get to the client's desired outcome

What's the difference between a coach, a counselor and a mentor?

17 January 2020
Michael explains the difference between a coach, counselor and mentor so you can decide which is the most appropriate for you.

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